[nycphp-talk] Trapping JS errors in function called onSubmit

Tim Lieberman tim_lists at
Tue May 6 18:49:25 EDT 2008

Also: Firebug is your friend.  Just set a breakpoint on the first  
line of your function, and step through.


On May 6, 2008, at 4:25 PM, Kristina Anderson wrote:

> thanks!!  will do.
>> On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 5:59 PM, Kristina Anderson
>> <ka at> wrote:
>>>  Hi everyone --
>>>  I'm trying to build out a validation routine for my input forms and
>>>  found something that I like/find easy to extend.  I added it as an
>>>  external script to my test page.  I tested to make sure all the
>>>  subfunctions were being called by inserting alert boxes and they
> are
>>>  being called.  Unfortunately, the routine is not picking up my
>>>  empty/non valid fields and instead appears to be just
> returning "true"
>>>  and submitting the form.
>> My guess is that your javascript has errors which prevents the submit
>> handler from returning false.  This makes it really hard for
>> debugging...
>> Try the following when developing:
>> <form onsubmit="validate(this);return false;">
>> instead of
>> <form onsubmit="return validate(this)">
>> This way when "validate" errors out, the submission will still be
>> trapped and you can see the errors in the console.
>> HTH,
>> -john c.
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