[nycphp-talk] protecting download directory in PHP app on Unix box?

Ben Sgro ben at
Wed May 28 11:29:22 EDT 2008

Or just email the purchasers email address (obtained through paypal) the 

- Ben

Kristina Anderson wrote:
> This might be off topic as well...but I have a PHP app that submits to 
> Paypal and then on the "thank you" page, I provide a link to a PDF that 
> they bought.
> The server is Unix based, and before submitting the sale, I collect 
> various information about the user, and then when the transaction is 
> complete, I get a unique transaction ID from Paypal.
> What's the easiest, quickest way to provide some level of complexity to 
> the downloads so that people can't just go back into the directory and 
> download every PDF without paying?  It doesn't have to be 100% secure 
> but should be secure enough to keep out "most" people.
> I've been looking into .htaccess but wondering if that's overkill and 
> there isn't some way to authenticate against my DB information before 
> allowing the download?
> -- Kristina 
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