[nycphp-talk] protecting download directory in PHP app on Unix box?

Allen Shaw ashaw at
Wed May 28 12:33:29 EDT 2008

Kristina Anderson wrote:
> Hmm...seems quick and easy.  
> I'm not sure how to do that in PHP though, any links to sample code?
> I could use the transaction ID for that, which is what I really want to 
> use somehow, as they are guaranteed unique.
Hi Kristina,

Kenneth's reply is more detailed than mine, with the same idea in mind.  
His #4 shows sample code for downloading files through PHP.  It's up to 
you of course how you organize your data tables to store the paid 
transactions and validate new download requests against them.

Dan Horning also makes a good point in this thread about using a 
pre-existing framework (though I can't think of any by name, and I'm not 
sure what you'd Google for other than php download framework, which 
seems terribly broad...)  When I was starting out with things like this, 
a framework did not seem near as fun as rolling my own, and it had the 
added drawback of seeming like overkill, but I bet it would have exposed 
me to projects and code of far higher quality than I was getting on the 
tutorial sites, which probably would have helped me as a developer in 
general.  Maybe worthwhile in the long run.

- Allen

Allen Shaw
slidePresenter (

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