[nycphp-talk] New York PHP on LinkedIn and Flickr

anthony wlodarski anthony at
Thu May 29 13:59:00 EDT 2008

Joined as well, pending approval.



On May 29, 2008, at 10:28 AM, Brian D. wrote:

> There are some new ways to show your involvement in the New York PHP  
> Community!
> LinkedIn Group -
> If you're on LinkedIn joining the NYPHP Community group will allow you
> to contact other NYPHP Community members and view their profiles. You
> can join the group by following the link below:
> Flickr NYPHP Group -
> I've been adding pictures to this group for a few months now, but it
> doesn't have to just be pictures of New York PHP meetings. If any of
> you NYPHPers went to PHP|tek or any of the other conventions, feel
> free to add your pictures to the group.
> - Brian D.
> -- 
> realm3 web applications []
> freelance consulting, application development
> (917) 512-3594
> _______________________________________________
> New York PHP Community Talk Mailing List
> NYPHPCon 2006 Presentations Online
> Show Your Participation in New York PHP

Anthony Wlodarski
Web Applications Developer
560 Broadway, Suite 308
New York, NY 10012
p 646.274.2435
f 646.557.0803

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