[nycphp-talk] Enterprise Security API OWASP call for volunteers

cybermalandro cybermalandro cybermalandro at
Thu Nov 13 20:05:58 EST 2008

Hi list,

I don't know if many of you are aware of the Enterprise Security API. The *
ESAPI* is a free and open collection of all the security methods that a
developer needs to build a secure web application. You can just use the
interfaces and build your own implementation using your company's
infrastructure. Or, you can use the reference implementation as a starting
point. The Java and .Net version of the ESAPI are complete and now we are
trying to wrap up the PHP version of the ESAPI. We are looking for
volunteers who can help us wrap this up as quickly as possible so we can
make it available to the PHP community. If you are interested please check
the project page and subscribe to the
maling list. We need your support!


OWASP - Global Education Committee
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