[nycphp-talk] Need some understanding about a hacker attack...

mikesz at mikesz at
Sat Oct 11 09:55:34 EDT 2008

Hello David,

Saturday, October 11, 2008, 9:42:46 PM, you wrote:

> mikesz at wrote:
>> I checked my test system also and when I do a directory the /xml
>> folder, it shows me the content of the folder which is yet another
>> outcome unexpected.

> There is a setting in the Apache config that prevents the listing of 
> directories. In a production system that should be always turned off.
> Also, IIRC you can specify the name of the access file in the config as well,
> so it may not always be .htaccess, but I cannot think of any plausible reason
> to change that. But that may be worthwhile to check out.

> Oh, and at your earliest convenience change the hosting company. If they
> cannot tell you how such a takeover happened then I wonder what they charge
> you money for. Anyone with a PC can do that type of hosting...

> David
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HA! My thoughts exactly. I was blown away when they suggested my
scripts without ever checking their log files... Unbelievable! I
thought it was a nobrainer to track such a blatant intrusion
especially when the time frame of when the breach occurred is known
almost to the second.

Best regards,
 mikesz                            mailto:mikesz at

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