[nycphp-talk] Re: [nycbug-talk] LinkedIn: Worth it or not?

Justin Dearing zippy1981 at
Wed Oct 22 14:56:28 EDT 2008

Damn reply to address.

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 2:55 PM, Justin Dearing <zippy1981 at> wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 1:54 PM, Miles Nordin <carton at> wrote:
>> I find this type of work too degrading to associate that intimately
>> with my personal identity.
> You find your work degrading? The only time I was unable to find any level
> of dignity in my work was a stint at Burger king. That was only because I
> sucked at making burgers. Why do it if its degrading?
> Secondly I find it violating that someone would EXPECT to see a
>> conveniently-formatted list of all the other people I know.  Police
>> and stalkers drool over such information, and that's the big part of
>> why we don't like the kind of attention either gives us, and if it's a
>> person judging me rather than merely a fan I feel doubly violated.
> To each their own. Its an opt in kind of thing. Some people live very
> public lives. Granted, being a "social network whore" when one is young and
> desperate might haunt a person when they are older. Man is a social animal,
> we all need to engage in a certain level of intercourse (in the general, not
> sexual sense) to meet our various needs and wants.
> Now personally, I'd prefer to hire or be hired by people that had a certain
> level of knowledge of my personal life. If you have political view that are
> 180 degrees from mine, I can work with you if you can respect my views. You
> might not be able to tolerate my worldview though. I'd rather you find out
> on your own by googling me rather than seeing a website on my monitor that
> I'm looking at lunchtime. That way you never make me an offer and neither of
> us are put in a hard position. Also, I refuse to remain absolutely ambiguous
> of all my personal views for 40-60 hours a week. I'm not going to go out of
> my way to preach my views, but I don't want to be afraid when topics come
> up.
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