[nycphp-talk] [OT] -

Steve Manes smanes at
Wed Oct 22 16:11:53 EDT 2008

Joseph Crawford wrote:
> There is one minor annoyance for me and I have spoken up about it.
> While you are on the site in order to get to the detail page you have to 
> click on the part of the article where it says '0 comments' you cannot 
> click on the title or body of the article as it will just take you to 
> the actual source of the article.

One other minor annoyance, and I don't mean to pick because I have this 
problem with a lot of sites that require double-opt.  But it's something 
that a lot of site developers seem to overlook: ya gotta register that 
outbound STMP server in DNS:

Oct 22 16:08:14 jack postfix/smtpd[93665]: connect from 
Oct 22 16:08:14 jack postfix/smtpd[93665]: NOQUEUE: reject: CONNECT from 
unknown[]: 554 5.7.1 Client host rejected: cannot find your 
hostname, []; proto=SMTP
Oct 22 16:08:14 jack postfix/smtpd[93665]: disconnect from 

Mail servers like mine that do reverse DNS lookups to prevent spamming 
will reject inbound mail from unknown hosts.

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