[nycphp-talk] serving a download only to authenticated users

David Mintz david at
Tue Oct 28 22:40:26 EDT 2008

You folks have done this a thousand times so it's cake to you. This is the
first time I have had to make a Powerpoint download available only to
authenticated users. Tell me if it's this simple:

/* download.php pr something like that */

// authentication logic. Then, if they're logged in...

header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename=whatever.ppt');
header('Content-type: application/');

And yes, I think I will put an apache directive in there to deny direct
browser access so they can't defeat it by accessing Or maybe put it
somewhere outside the public html.

Is that it, or am I missing anything?

David Mintz

The subtle source is clear and bright
The tributary streams flow through the darkness
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