[nycphp-talk] Php Debugger

@ndrés ameseguer at
Tue Sep 2 16:16:30 EDT 2008


It's like coding print sentences but without being intrusive to the
layout/presentation layer

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 7:08 AM, David Krings <ramons at> wrote:

> (Margaret) Michele Waldman wrote:
>> I already use print statements.
>> I've been programming php for about 1 1/2-2 years without a debugger.
>> I can do it.  I'm just hoping to speed up my development.
>> I can't think of any other ways to cut corners.
> Yes, there are debuggers for Windows. One of the popular ones is dbg, but
> there is also xdebug. They are usually included in an IDE, but as far as I
> know they can also be run on the command line, but I have no idea how that
> works.
> I use NuSphere PHPEd which comes with the commercial version of dbg. Other
> IDEs that use the free versions of dbg are Luckasoft's EngInSite Editor for
> PHP ( and PHPEdit from Waterproof (
> Waterproof gives out free licenses when you ask them for one and explain to
> them that you only want to use it for private projects. You can get
> Luckasoft's IDE for free as well if you translate the GUI strings and help
> file for them to a language currently not listed, otherwise you need to buy
> a license for a fair price. Luckasoft often bundles other apps in such as
> their MySQL client, which is the best MySQL client I have seen. And then
> there is Zend, Eclipse (you need to puzzle it together yourself, your
> mileage may vary, I had no mileage at all), Maguma, plugins for Microsoft
> VisualStudio, and others. Some even have both dbg and xdebug available, but
> most implement it in a way that is obstrusive to efficient development as
> they force a stop at start of each script file. So if you develop as I do
> and segment the entire project into individual script files that each
> include a logical module then stopping at every corner gets old really fast.
> NuSphere costs money, but not as much as Zend and unless you are hooked on
> all the Zend stuff I am convinced that NuSphere's IDE does the trick. I did
> some development in VB some years ago and got acustomed to the excellent
> IDEs from Microsoft (probably the only area where Microsoft is actually good
> at). NuSphere is not a VisualStudio clone, but provides the same level of
> luxury and all the features. And it has the debugger implemented in such a
> way that it does not need to stop at the start of each file, but can run
> through a dozen files and then stop at a break point in the 13th file.
> NuSphere's IDE also comes with its own web server so you don't need to fork
> around in the Apache config file to get the debugger dll loaded and working
> (although, that is quite easy with Apache). NuSphere has also internal
> browsers and you can switch between IE and Mozilla engines, but you can also
> use an external browser and still have the full debugging capabilities. And
> that will allow for example to add additional debuggers to Firefox so that
> you can debug client side scripts (which is why I doubt that there is an all
> inclusive debugger as PHP is server side and ECMAScript is client side).
> If you are interested in NuSphere's IDE, I have version 5.0 that I would
> pass on for a small compensation. It allows getting the upgrade to the
> current 5.5 for 39$. I think that is dirt cheap, even the other pricing
> isn't as ridiculous as that from Zend, but Zend gives you everything and two
> kitchen sinks. It depends on what you need. I used a trial of Zend Studio
> for a few days and then gave up. I just couldn't figure anything out. IMHO
> Zend Studio is the opposite of "intuitive".
> What is interesting is that several tests have shown that the performance
> of the XAMPP stack on Windows is better than on Linux, so developing PHP on
> Windows isn't that off the mark as some may claim. I use the XAMPP from
> as 'production' server, there are other providers of
> XAMPP stacks, but I found the one from apachefriends to be the best.
> HTH,
> David
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Andrés Meseguer Rojas
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