[nycphp-talk] Building PECL Sources

csnyder chsnyder at
Wed Sep 17 15:18:46 EDT 2008

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 3:05 PM, Ben Sgro <ben at> wrote:

> I'm interested if anyone on the list has experience working w/the PECL C
> Sources - most importantly, what are you using to compile them
> and what do you have to link them with at build time? Windows, OSX or Linux?
> GCC or VS?

I'm on Linux, so gcc. Generally pecl install <extension name> just
works. I've run into errors at the configure stage a few times, but it
was relatively easy to figure out what was missing (or misplaced) and
fix it.

Windows is obviously a whole different ball of wax. Do people use
Cygwin for that or what?

Chris Snyder

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