[nycphp-talk] Adding PostgreSQL with an XAMPP Install

Joey Derrico JoeyD473 at
Sat Sep 27 17:34:39 EDT 2008

I never said it wasn't a good DB. I just said it wasn't MySQL whichI had 
up and running for several years and was used to using

I got it installed and running. Thanks


Justin Dearing wrote:
> Joey,
> Postgresql is a very good database. Its got a featureset closer to
> Oracle or MS SQL. But enough on database religion, and on to your
> question.
> If you downloaded the postgres MSI for windows.It basically just
> works, and gives you  an OK gui as well as a command line utility.
> Postgres should run as a service with no problems after installing the
> MSI.
> Then you should just be able to enable php_pgsql.dll in php.ini (its
> already included in the ext folder in xampp)
> On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 2:27 PM, Joseph (Joey) Derrico
> <joeyd473 at> wrote:
>> Since I am (still) in college I decided to finally take a class on scripting in PHP. I have been using XAMPP for years. unfortunately for this class the professor I have likes PostgreSQL instead of MySQL. So now I need to install PostgreSQL on my PC (XP) and my laptop (Vista) for the class. unfortunately I have never been good at installing servers and DB (thus why I have XAMPP). I was hoping someone can guide me through installing it and getting it working with the XAMPP setup
>> XAMPP version 1.6.7 (on Laptop, Vista), Not 100% sure which version on PC, but I'm not home to check
>> PostgreSQL version Downloaded:8.3.4
>> Joey Derrico
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