[nycphp-talk] PHP hosting and standard tool-chain for newbie?

Tim Lieberman tim_lists at
Fri Apr 24 18:13:36 EDT 2009

On Apr 24, 2009, at 5:16 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Michael B Allen <ioplex at>  
> wrote:
>> 2. TextWrangler for editing files directly on the server or locally
> I hadn't heard about TextWrangler before now. What (besides the low
> low price) made that the one to use?

I know I gravitated towards it when I first went back to using a Mac  
because I had fond memories of using BBEdit years ago.

BBEdit has a great slogan, btw: "It doesn't suck."  Once upon a time,  
it was the only decent programmer's editor on the mac platform.

So when I first picked up a MacBook Pro a few years back, I went  
looking for BBEdit, noticed there was this free TextWrangler thing,  
and gave it a shot.  It's got a nice feature set, while remaining  
fairly lightweight, and it just works.

I tried going to Eclipse a few times, but i always found myself  
fighting over one thing or another (managing remote files was a big  
one).  So I went back to TextWrangler.

These days, I still use TextWrangler daily for quick changes via SFTP  
to remote systems.

For real development work, running on my local AMP stack, it's usually  
Coda (for the past few weeks)


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