[nycphp-talk] Best practices for naming conventions & coding style?

lists at lists at
Tue Apr 28 13:52:22 EDT 2009

Eddie Drapkin wrote:
> To be fair, despite the talk about what's best or what isn't, in the
> end it really doesn't matter what the code looks like, given two
> things. One, most importantly, it works (well).  And two, it's
> consistent.  It doesn't matter if your variables are named $like_this
> or $likeThis as long as it's one and not both :)
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Ajai Khattri <ajai at
> <mailto:ajai at>> wrote:
>     On Mon, 27 Apr 2009, Kristina Anderson wrote:
>     > Lastly anyone who tries to impose THEIR conventions on you is to
>     be ignored.  This is all
>     > about you, and what widget YOU think is easiest to use.
>      Worrying about where to put a
>     > curly bracket is not worth it -- put it where you like it!  As
>     long as the code works you are
>     > golden.
>     The only problem with this is when in a team and different members
>     work on
>     the same bits of code. Can you imagine a class written in two or three
>     different bracing styles is like?! Your team HAS to agree on some
>     standards and stick to them. Some of these might go against your own
>     personal grain but such is the price of teamwork and consistent code.
>     So no, a free-for-all is not always good advice.

Kristina, Justin Daniel, Ajai & Eddie--a big thanks to all of you (and
everyone else who responded). I'll do my best to keep everyone's advice
in mind going forward.


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