[nycphp-talk] PHP Conference - VOTE NOW

Hans Zaunere lists at
Mon Aug 10 19:51:24 EDT 2009


As some may have heard, CodeWorks is coming to NYC in October - we'll post
more details as their available but suffice it to say, that each local stop
on the CodeWorks road show allows one local speaker.

Over on the Org list, I've asked folks to submit abstracts, and now we have
a chance to vote on the topics.  The abstract that receives the most votes
will be the primary speaker, and the second, well, secondary/backup.

Please email me directly off list with your votes as to not clutter this
list, then I'll announce the selected speakers.  Please vote only for two

Here they are:

An Introduction to Zend AMF
Zend AMF gives developers the ability to quickly and efficiently communicate
between Flex and PHP. In this talk we'll cover the basics of setting up an
application that uses Zend AMF, look at some common errors that you may
encounter and explore the ways we can display and manipulate our data once
it's in Flex.

Coding Secure with PHP and Enterprise LAMP Security
Anyone involved in web application development over the last five years
should be aware of the security ecosystem surrounding PHP. Often overhyped,
sometimes dramatic, and always interesting, the topics of PHP and security
are usually linked at the hip, and a favorite comedy topic for those
involved with other languages.  While PHP has made some security mistakes in
the past, the focus of criticism is often misguided. The applicable codebase
for the security notices - whether it be the PHP core, an extension, or an
application - is forgotten and PHP as a whole gets one more strike.  PHP
also provides great power and flexibility. But with it, comes great
responsibility. As with any application living on the internet, it's the
entire support staff's responsibility architect, developer, and
administrator - to ensure an application meets organization security
requirements.  In this talk, we'll provide tips, tricks, and fundamental
best practices from the trenches for ensuring your code and LAMP deployment
isn't caught off guard. He'll then review the PHP security ecosystem and
available resources, debunk myths, and reveal some surprising facts that
could leave you thinking PHP is one of the most secure languages available

Extreme Scale with Thin Server Architecture
As website interactivity demands put a bigger strain on your beautiful code,
faster internet connections and more website visitors don't make it any
easier. There is a way to dramatically drop the overhead of rendering a
page, by asking the browser to do all the work. Learn how to scale your
applications to absurd extremes with this simple, ingenious concept.

I Smoked Too Much PHP
Let's face it, we all love our PHP. And after all these countless hours
spent mastering our craft, and then more countless hours bickering with our
cohorts about who is better, we learned the shocking truth: There is more
out there. We occasionally hear about other languages and their offerings,
and some people even like them.  Gasp! What is all the fuss about? A
sometimes funny and occasionally accurate telling of what is going on out
there in the non-PHP world of mundanes.

MySQL and PHP - State of the Union
Latest look on that famous couple, MySQL and PHP. He'll cover the latest in
connectors, best practices and techniques, how to optimize performance
between the two, scaling, and how all of this fits into the latest buzzword,
the cloud.

The State of the PHP CMS
Many believe the rich variety of PHP-based Content Management Systems (CMS)
greatly accelerated the adoption of PHP both in the consumer and corporate
sectors. This session identifies the key players and outlines a brief
history of each, as well as demonstrate their strengths and weaknesses. Best
of all is an open discussion of not only what is coming in the future, but
what everyone really wants.

Thanks all,


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