[nycphp-talk] Looking For Search Engine Optimization SEO Method

Paul A Houle paul at
Wed Aug 12 10:02:31 EDT 2009

Mangesh Sathe wrote:
> hello everyone,
> this is Mangesh Sathe
>    I am working on SEO Search engine Optimization.
> are there any tools available for SEO or websites for SEO?
> what are the basic steps required for SEO or shud i make any change in 
> source code.
Start with

and read everything on that site.  Then do some experiments and read 
that site all over again.  I know it's a site for sore eyes,  and it's 
very hard to really understand,  and about 20% of it is crazy and 
wrong,  but 80% of it is brilliant truth -- once you start to apply it 
you'll realize that.  Few people have mastered it,  but those who do get 
great results.  Just don't tell Eli I sent you.

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