[nycphp-talk] small problem in ajax

Mangesh Sathe mangesh at
Wed Aug 19 01:00:43 EDT 2009

hello everyone,

 This is Mangesh Sathe.

   I am facin'  small problem in ajax.

I have created one form which contains entries like his/her
   name,address,country, state ,bank name(dropdown list) , birth date etc...
when i submit this form all the above data goes to databse correctly ...

 now if his/her bank name is not in the dropdown list , then he enters his
bank name in textbox & clicks on first button
  so insted of submitting entire forn ,i want to insert only bank name in
database using ajax.
 ( i am sending bank name to .js file & then call .php file

Buttons in the form,
    first one is for adding bank name in database,if it does'nt exist in
Dropdown list
        (Drop downlist---Textbox----Button1)
    second one is to submit entire form.

Reply plz
Thanks & Regards,
Mangesh Sathe
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