[nycphp-talk] Short Tags deprecated?

Hans Zaunere lists at
Fri Aug 28 13:45:36 EDT 2009

> I think there is some discrepancy with this ini directive.  In the
> study book "Zend PHP5 Certification Guide" form PHP|Architect, It
> states that the short tags are deprecated.  I am not seeing any other
> references to short tags being deprecated.  In fact in the
> documentation for the Zend Framework, it's stating that short tags can
> be used as long as the directive is turned on:
> on.shortTags
> Has any one out there heard of short tags being deprecated?

There was some discussion that they would be deprecated, but I think it ended up that they're just disabled by default now if you use the recommended ini.  I always turn them on.  There was some other discussion about a replacement for them (that wouldn't interfere with XML documents) but that's stalled AFAIK.

The curly syntax for accessing chars in a string is apparently officially deprecated now:



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