[nycphp-talk] cheapest and best way to server 1TB worth of data per month

Rolan Yang rolan at
Thu Dec 24 16:46:27 EST 2009

Konstantin K wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I need some expert advice.
> Let's say I have about 2MB of static data (images, css, js) and I need
> to serve about 1TB worth of it per month to users who visit this site.
>  I know that means at least 500,000 page views per month (not
> considering browsers caching images, etc).
> What's the cheapest (but still fast) way to serve 1TB worth of static
> data  per month?
> A) AWS S3
>      I think this comes out to about $180/month.
> B) dedicated server
>      With nginx or lighttpd
> C) shared hosting
>      godaddy?
> D) ???
> Thanks,
> Konstantin

D) Can you post the images to flickr or another free image hosting 
service and link directly to the images?
That would be free and I don't think there's any cheaper unless you get 
paid. :)


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