[nycphp-talk] large file uploads with cgi php

Michael Southwell michael.southwell at
Mon Feb 2 16:07:34 EST 2009

I have a site on a shared host where PHP is running as a CGI. I
need to allow file uploads larger than the default 7M.

The host tells me that I can create a local php.ini with the
appropriate settings and a wrapper that execs the system
php5.cgi, and then in .htaccess add php5-cgi as a php handler,
with a pointer to the wrapper. I did all this but the effect is
that no pre-processing at all is going on.

Does anybody have ideas about (1) what I might do as an
alternative (short of changing hosts), or (2) what might be wrong
with the way I'm trying to do this (I am admittedly flying
near-blind here)?

Michael Southwell
Vice President, Education

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