[nycphp-talk] Link to article about nested sets

Elijah Insua tmpvar at
Mon Feb 2 17:16:13 EST 2009

demo appears to be broken

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 4:14 PM, Dan Cech <dcech at> wrote:

> Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> > Apologies for the cross-post, I can't remember if this was a request
> > from NYPHP or the NYCJUG. *blush*
> >
> > Somebody at the last meet was asking about nested sets, and I promised
> > to get them the URL:
> >
> >
> Ahh yes, good old nested sets.  I still prefer the hybrid approach I
> took with phpGACL ( and my old clew demo that
> stores both both adjacency and nsm data.
> For a very small storage overhead you get the benefits of both
> approaches (try pulling immediate children from an nsm tree) and the
> ability to rebuild the nsm data from scratch if it gets especially
> messed up (not that there would ever be bugs...).
> I've been meaning to sit down and try to figure out a variation using
> intervals between the lft and rgt values so that inserts are cheaper,
> just haven't had a project that needed it enough to motivate me yet!
> If anyone wants to pick apart my old implementations feel free to check
> out, the source code is linked at the bottom.
> Dan
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