[nycphp-talk] PHP Compared to Cold Fusion

Justin Dearing zippy1981 at
Thu Feb 5 14:33:00 EST 2009

2009/2/5 Peter Sawczynec <ps at>

> My first toe in of a sales pitch is already over.
> In this SW Florida area where I am there is a surprising amount of CFM
> in dynamic web sites. And, then a surprising amount of .NET.

Well I am working at my second primarily.NET shop that was originally a
coldfusion shop. One went through a classic asp phase first though. So its
not a surprising combinations of technologies to know as it seems to have
been a standard progression.

> I have to tell you, the area is very uninformed about opensource. In my
> initial discussions with people regarding opensource (PHP) vs. CF and
> .NET they are even seemingly disbelieving that there could be anything
> as good and value intensive as opensource.

Well how informed are you about .NET or even mono? Most people know a
handful of technologies. I've done PHP, .NET, vb6 and dabbled in a few other
languages. I've made minor edits to CF pages and I assume I'm grossly
uninformed about it. I know a former foxpro programmer that could convince
you it was one of the greatest development environments ever. Had I not
known him I would never believe foxpro was a "real" programming tool.
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