[nycphp-talk] [OT] blacklist monitor recommendations?

Rolan Yang rolan at
Fri Feb 6 19:29:58 EST 2009

Allen Shaw wrote:
> We're seriously considering bringing our mass email communications 
> in-house for various reasons and want to stay on top of any spam 
> reports against us.
> Can anyone recommend an email blacklist monitoring service you've had 
> good results with?
> Thanks,
> Allen

Search for "rbl lookup". There are a number of web utilities to check 
your ip's. They're all pretty good.
If you are running your own mail servers, you will know pretty quickly 
if you are blacklisted by monitoring the queue and seeing the emails 
back up. To prevent that, I would recommend pro actively submitting 
whitelist requests for your ip range(s) to the big hosts like aol, 
yahoo, etc.  Unfortunately, some providers (ahem.. COMCAST).. are less 
responsive to your requests and there isn't much that can be done about 
it.   If you are serious about reliable mass email, then you'll want to 
set up mail relays at a number of different hosts around the internet so 
that if and when your server does get blacklisted, you can route the 
rest of your mail through a clean relay.

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