[nycphp-talk] When does an application become to large for just a single page.

Justin Dearing zippy1981 at
Mon Feb 16 12:35:18 EST 2009

On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Anthony Wlodarski
<anthony at>wrote:

>  When building a web application that is usually a single page load, what
> are the criteria that you may use to decide that this feature should be a
> separate application or this feature be part of another tool?

Uh depends. Generally speaking each php script deals with one function. It
might "add, edit or view" the same data via something like smarty templates.

A page may of course have small utility forms like login and search, but I
dont thik you refer to these.

Some functions like profile display and editing might show a lot of
information. You might want to break that down unto multiple screens. How
big is too big in that case? When it seems like too much to type.

Hope that helps,

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