[nycphp-talk] State Of The PHP Economy 2009

Brian D. brian at
Tue Jan 13 22:06:35 EST 2009

On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 8:28 PM, Ajai Khattri <ajai at> wrote:
> If you're not in a well-funded startup and not fired yet then you should
> be careful. Now is a good time to be in a full-time gig with an
> established firm.

I find that diversification is a good thing. If you're a consultant
with a half-dozen clients and one of them tanks, you've still got
others to rely on until you track down some more work. It's a lot
easier to survive that than it is to suddenly find yourself jobless.

Of course, if the market is suddenly flooded with new "freelancers"
who are willing to work for chicken scratch then suddenly you might
find yourself high and dry, but I still think that's easier to deal
with than being laid off.

The good news, as Hans pointed out, is that there still seem to be a
lot of PHP-related jobs out there for qualified candidates. So far I
haven't seen anything to convince me that a good programmer would be
without work for very long.


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