[nycphp-talk] State Of The PHP Economy 2009

Michael B Allen ioplex at
Tue Jan 13 23:44:06 EST 2009

On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 9:36 PM, Hans Zaunere <lists at> wrote:
> That said, times like this can produce rare opportunities.

Actually when times are good people become complacent. It's when
people are moping around with nothing to do that interesting things
start to happen. This is particularly true in the arts. Look at TV and
music - it's been the same contrived drivel for years. If a lot of
people are without work for a year or two, eventually you'll start to
see interesting things happen. That will capture imaginations and
reignite compulsive spending habits.

You don't need to buy test-tubes, lease office space or go
door-to-door to write software. If you're a programmer and find
yourself out of work, get a comfortable chair and code up something
useful. But pick something specific and practical. If you're
recognised as being really good at one thing, then you can just sit
back and people will come to you.


Michael B Allen
PHP Active Directory SPNEGO SSO

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