[nycphp-talk] array in object

Kenneth Dombrowski kenneth at
Wed Jan 21 20:46:19 EST 2009

kenneth at gilgamesh:~$ php -a
Interactive mode enabled

class C {  
        public function __construct() {
                $this->phone1 = array("descr" => "Home Phone");
$c = new C();
print $c->phone1["descr"] . "\n";
Home Phone
$key = "phone1";
print $c->{$key}["descr"] . "\n";
Home Phone
print $c->$key["descr"] . "\n";

# looking for a property named $key["descr"]

On 09-01-21 20:24 -0500, Rick Retzko wrote:
> Hi Folks - 
> This should be simple, but I haven't been able to debug it on my own, so I'm
> asking for help.
> I'm walking through a user's webform submission that I've put into an object
> and comparing each of that object's properties with the current properties
> ($cur) stored on mySQL database.
> The example below is input for a phone number (phone1).
> This example stores the 10-digit phone number into variable $c:
> $c=$cur->phone1['descr'];
> If I use $key to capture the property to be checked ('phone1'), the
> following stores null:
> $b=$cur->$key['descr'];
> Any help on understanding why $cur->$key['descr'] is not synonymous with
> $cur->phone1['descr'] when $key='phone1' would be a help!
> Best Regards - 
> Rick
> ============
> rick at
> 201.755.4083

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