[nycphp-talk] What OS support helps most?

Paul A Houle paul at
Sat Jan 31 16:12:44 EST 2009

Brian Williams wrote:
> implementing a solid, multi-phase 'development to production' system  
> ...It was made even worse by the upper and middle management refusing 
> to implement a 3 stage system that would allow for development, 
> staging and production servers - even though we had racks and racks of 
> computers that ran VMWare Virtual servers.
    Yeah,  yeah,  yeah  -- that's just what I mean.

    I've got no problem with the technology of server virtualization,  
but many organizations are looking for server virtualization as an 
alternative to doing things systematically rather than as a tool that 
furthers that goal.
    That said,  I've seen that most organizations are happy to do things 
the right way once people start to see the benefits.  It can take years 
to turn things around,  however,  and not everybody has the time.


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