[nycphp-talk] where in filesystem to install php application

John Campbell jcampbell1 at
Wed Jul 1 12:00:02 EDT 2009

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 10:48 AM, David Mintz<david at> wrote:
> Perhaps this is one of those things that doesn't matter a helluva lot, but:
> when you have a freshly installed Debian-style LAMP (actually Ubuntu server
> 9.04) and you are looking for a place in the filesystem to install your PHP
> application files -- where do you like to put them? /usr/local/share/... ?
> Or /usr/local/lib/php/... ? /opt/...?

I might be crazy, but I use /home/prod/application_name/
with the document root as:

Each developer's code is available via:

The reason I like doing it that way, is I find it easier to maintain
multiple checkouts of the code.  Each developer gets their own copy of
the code running on the server, and I also have copies for test and
production.  I can control who has access to the different copies of
the code through group permissions.

I don't have a strong opinion on the matter, but what is important to
me is that the entire application and a test database can be checked
out, and up and running on a fresh MAMP/WAMP/LAMP stack in a few
minutes, and the developers can start working on the code from their
local machine without an internet connection.  If code and
dependancies are spread out all over the file system, it makes it
difficult to run multiple copies of the code.

-John C.

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