[nycphp-talk] where in filesystem to install php application

Konstantin Rozinov krozinov at
Wed Jul 1 13:44:17 EDT 2009

If you're installing linux packages/apps into /usr/local, which is
most common, it's highly recommended to use gnu stow to manage them.

I create /usr/local/stow dir....install all my linux packages there
(apache, php, mysql, etc)...and then do a simple `stow -v
package_dir/` from /usr/local/stow.

If I have to get a new version, I do `stow -Dv old_package_dir/` and
relink the new package....

saves time, and keeps everything organzied, and no need to delete
older versions (but u can if u want to)

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 1:11 PM, Ajai Khattri<ajai at> wrote:
> On Wed, 1 Jul 2009, Eddie Drapkin wrote:
>> Every application that I run is a new user that doesn't have
>> permission to r/w out of its /home/ so that collaboration with people
>> on several projects means no one's snooping anyone else's sourcecode.
>> The apache user is in all of their groups, for obvious reasons :P
> Not that that stops application *code* from snooping other folders... :-)
> Generally, if the whole server is dedicated to one app, then I would just
> create a user and put the application under that. Since the whole server
> is dedicated to the app, you can make sym links to different versions (a
> la Rails deployment) and organize the folders any way you like.
> For shared hosting, these days I create folders named after the domain
> under /home/vhosts (i.e. /home/vhosts/, inside each I have the
> usual cgi-bin, htdocs and logs folders and an etc folder for files that
> should never be web-accessible. For most modern frameworks, like Cake or
> symfony, most of the code lies in etc, with only images, css,
> Javascript and the front controllers in htdocs. This setup is similar to
> mail server setups using qmail with vpopmail, where all the mailboxes live
> under /home/vpopmail/domains.
> --
> Aj.
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