[nycphp-talk] JSON and MVC

Hans Zaunere lists at
Wed Jul 15 10:31:14 EDT 2009


As I work with and need to support JSON applications more and more, I
quickly remember why the mantra "don't use javascript" from yesteryear was
in place.  Worse, perhaps, is how the browser and server need to interface
with each other in complex JSON based applications.

We're all familiar with the typical MVC pattern, and the use of templates to
organize and manipulate fragments of HTML/etc.  This is a very well solved
problem that's been established for years.

Web 2.0, if you will, is "fragment" requests/responses.  I think of this as
the basic Ajax type of website, whereby the server is now sending back these
fragments of HTML rather than assembling them into complete documents and
sending that back.  The Javascript on the browser actually assembles and
moves things around as needed on the client side.

Web 3.0 (insert kitsch marketing term here), I've found as being the
complete manipulation, in real time, of nearly the entire document.  Vast
chunks of the document are living and breathing, and being effected by
events, timers, user interaction, server polling, etc.

In order to the support this, a high degree of granularity for dealing with
HTML tags and IDs is needed.  Using fragments as we did in Web 2.0 doesn't
provide this level of granularity so pure JSON is required.  What this means
(to me) basically is that tag content itself or even elemental HTML
fragments (very small chunks, like single p, h1, img, etc) need to be
manipulated both on the server and browser side.

The problem with this, however, is that it causes the server-side to retrace
to the ugly days of mixing and mashing PHP/HTML/etc.  For example, to push
out a set of IDs to the client, I no longer use a template to spit back a
fragment.  Rather, I put tags and data into an array directly, and then
json_encode() that, and send that back to the client.

For example, a dynamic forum type of thing:

$JSON['ID']["mi_$GID"] = "<img src=\"{$Page->ImagesURL}lr/icon_phone.png\"

$JSON['ID']["bl_$GID"] = "{$M->BylineDate} | <b>{$M->FirstName}

$JSON['ID']["rcb_$GID"] = $M->ReplyCount;

$JSON['ID']["hc_$GID"] = $M->Title;

echo json_encode($JSON['ID']);

The Javascript then takes each element from the array and manipulates the
DOM as appropriate.  Why not just stuff things in innerHTML you may ask?
Because that's not granular enough, and should the user be interactive with
that particular element, the user has just lost his current state.

So hopefully others have run into these types of issues and I'm curious as
to how others deal with it.  Thoughts, experiences, etc?  I've thought about
how to use some type of elemental templating, but there doesn't appear to be
anything that's a fit for this type of thing.  And no easy way I can think
of for building something to handle this.

Or, perhaps I'm completely missing some elementary concept that makes all
this moot...?

Looking forward to everyone's thoughts.


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