[nycphp-talk] PHP Fileupload problem

Tom Sartain tomsartain at
Wed Jul 22 14:00:25 EDT 2009

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Jeff Siegel <jeff987654 at> wrote:

> Tom,
> We thought it might be a file issue...however...I can upload the very same
> file as can the consultant. Further, we are running the code on two
> completely different servers (from two completely different hosting
> companies). Again...I can upload the file...the consultant can...the client
> cannot.
Which just underscores the question of whether or not the client can even
upload files anywhere.

I wasn't thinking that the file was the issue, but the client's setup. Might
be the internet connection, might be firewall type issues, might be browser
configs... all of which would fall beyond your control. Would it be possible
to have the client try to upload the file (or another file like it) to or GMail or any other place?
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