[nycphp-talk] Designer Advice

Justin Dearing zippy1981 at
Thu Jul 23 01:41:51 EDT 2009


I've only ever worked with a designer once, and all he gave me was
photoshop files that I used as references, and some flash stuff for
this weird flash heavy site. However, I was thinking about a designer
for my three websites I just launched,, and Since I never worked with a designer before, I'm looking
for how realistic my expectations are.  Let me know if what I want is
crazy, please.

First of all price. I'd probably be looking to spend about $200. My
sites are pretty simple without a lot of content. There is one PHP
script that generates 2 versions of the same view..

Second, I'm looking for a designer that can give me actual html, or
preferable edit the php file directly. Beingable to give them readonly
svn accesss, or access to a branch and getting a patch would be ideal

Third, I want someone who is a designer first. I spend more time
looking at my webpages through a view source window or the xhtml
validator than the actual page itself. I want a designer that thinks

Fourth, I want validated xhtml 1.0 strict. I'd be willing to consider
another html flavor, but only for a good reason.

Fifthly, I don't care what country the person I hire lives in, but
being local enough to meet in person would be a nice thing.

In summary I  mainly need someone with actual artistic vision to make
my page look pretty. However, I don't want to be given a PSD file I'll
have to chop up myself.


Justin Dearing

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