[nycphp-talk] Frameworks & Fast Iterations

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Fri Jul 24 14:12:09 EDT 2009

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009, Brian D. wrote:

> This causes an issue with applications that have a long life-span.
> They age very poorly. You basically have two choices:
> 1. Upgrade your application to fit new framework API changes. This
> leads to an inordinate amount of time upgrading, which means less time
> you can devote to actually improving the application itself. You're
> stuck upgrading existing functionality broken by new upgrades. In my
> experience, frameworks tend to be brittle.
> 2. Don't upgrade. You may miss out on security fixes or new
> functionality. You may even have to patch the framework code to fix
> security issues without breaking other functionality, which means now
> you have undocumented changes. Documentation for past frameworks may
> even be difficult to find (assuming it's even online).
> How do you guys handle this?

I think it depends on the framework. symfony for example released 1.0 
in 2007 and announced they would support it until 2010. Even after 1.1 and 
1.2 were released, they introduced a compatibility option which required 
no porting of code even when running on the latest 1.2 code base.


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