[nycphp-talk] Best Cell Phone for a PHP Programmer

Anthony Wlodarski ant92083 at
Tue Jul 28 12:04:37 EDT 2009

Yes but your chances of getting an app published are slim to none with an
iPhone.  I find this to be true as the big G was denied this morning.

I own a Touch Pro.  When making web apps I tailor the standards to the
minimum that that phone has (runs Opera too).


On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 11:57 AM, Chris Snyder <chsnyder at> wrote:

> 2009/7/28 Peter Sawczynec <ps at>:
> > T-Mobile HTC "myTouch" w/ google Android OS (brand new, Aug 5 09)
> > Sprint Palm Pre (new, mid-Jun 09)
> > AT&T iPhone 3G S
> > T-Mobile RIM Blackberry Curve 8900
> > T-Mobile Samsung Comeback SGH-T559
> > Verizon LG enV3
> >
> > Anyone have any thoughts on any of these above phone/plan/carrier/OS
> > or do you have a different phone that you feel is a real adjunct.
> >
> Hey Peter, is this a sly attempt to get pagerank? LOL.
> iPhone is dominating mobile app development right now, both native
> apps in Objective-C and mobile-friendly web applications in HTML, CSS,
> and JavaScript.
> The later, of course, are portable to *any* smart phone with a WebKit
> or Gecko browser, or to a lesser extent an Opera browser.
> The Nokia N810 internet tablet should also be on your list, and works
> with any sim-capable carrier.
> Chris Snyder
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> New York PHP User Group Community Talk Mailing List

Anthony W.
ant92083 at
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