[nycphp-talk] About the site structure article

Hans Zaunere lists at
Thu Jul 30 12:35:38 EDT 2009

> That's the strategy I use ... I sure hope that's not unsafe
> 	Hello everyone.
> 	First of I wanna say hi, since it's my first contribution here.
> 	Also I'm not from NY, but Norway. Found your site trough google
> 	Now, back on topic:
> 	It's a very nice, short and direct article. Easy to understand.
> 	What I was thinking tho was about using .php. Wouldn't it add a
> bit more security if you do something like this?
> 	<?php if (!defined('doInclude')) { die("Access denied sucker!");
> }
> 	.... Code here ....
> 	?>
> 	Just asking, cause I'm fairly new to all this so :)
> 	Article:

I think both methods work, but the doInclude stuff is always a bit tedious
and superfluous in my opinion.  And what happens if you forget to do this
defines?  This type of thing certainly doesn't hurt, but especially when you
can put stuff outside of the document root, I'd just do that.


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