[nycphp-talk] table structure for "friend" relationships

Allen Shaw ashaw at
Thu Jul 30 17:07:50 EDT 2009

Glenn Powell wrote:
> ... if 100 considers 300 a friend, that does not mean that 300 
> considers 100 a friend.
> It could be maddening for a user to see that they are a friend of 300, 
> when in fact they have not done anything in the system
> to create that relationship.
Hi Glenn,

For a social networking app, I think you'd be right about that. What I 
have here is more of a CRM application. The user manages his own 
contacts and can record relationships between them for his own 
information, so reciprocation is not an issue, whereas it would be in a 
social networking app like friendster or facebook. In this app, the 
design spec indicates that if a user records that 100 and 300 are 
friends (or spouses, or co-workers, etc.), then the system should be 
able to find 100 connected to 300 and vice-verse.

- A.

Allen Shaw
slidePresenter (

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