[nycphp-talk] Transforming XML with XSL (XsltProcessor problems)

Ben Sgro ben at
Wed Mar 11 15:13:54 EDT 2009

Hey Joelle,

Thanks - care to share the class?

I'll reconsider the XSL - thanks.

- Ben

Joelle Tegwen wrote:
> Yeah, I've found this to be fairly cumbersome. I use it a lot so I 
> wrote a class that wraps this functionality. I can pass in any kind of 
> xml (DomDocument, SimpleXMLElement, string, file locaiton, etc) and it 
> just handles it all for me.
> BTW - unless you need it // is relatively expensive in xslt. You 
> should use relative paths whenever possible.
> Glad you figured it out.
> Joelle
> Ben Sgro wrote:
>> Thanks for the feedback
>> The error was super simple:
>>        $xml = new DOMDocument;
>>        $xml->loadXML($this->_payload);
>>        $xsl = new DOMDocument;
>>        $xsl->load($this->_filePath);
>>        $proc = new XSLTProcessor;
>>        $proc->importStyleSheet($xsl);
>>              return $proc->transformToXML($xml);   I was calling 
>> load(STRING) vs loadXML(STRING), so when it attempting to transform 
>> the XML, it (the dom doc) was empty - it didn't load the xml string 
>> data.
>> Too bad it doesn't throw an error or exception if an argument is 
>> incorrect.
>> - Ben
>> Joelle Tegwen wrote:
>>> This worked for me.  PHP 5.2.6-2ubuntu4.1 with Suhosin-Patch
>>>        $xml =<<<XML
>>> <ProfileRequest templateId="1" submitUser="asdf" 
>>> submitDateTime="2009-01-12T17:32:46">
>>>   <DataItem name="AccountNumber" value="600978"/>
>>> </ProfileRequest>
>>> XML;
>>>        $xsl =<<<XSL
>>> <xsl:stylesheet
>>> xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0"
>>> xmlns="">
>>> <xsl:template match="/ProfileRequest">
>>> <Data>
>>> <AccountNumber>
>>>    <xsl:value-of select="DataItem[@name='AccountNumber']/@value"/>
>>> </AccountNumber>
>>> </Data>
>>> </xsl:template>
>>> </xsl:stylesheet>
>>> XSL;
>>> Ben Sgro wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> My PHP code is:
>>>> ---------------------
>>>>        $xml = new DOMDocument;
>>>>        $xml->load($this->_payload);                $xsltProcessor = 
>>>> new XsltProcessor();
>>>>        $xsl = new DomDocument;
>>>>        $xsl->load('../lib/Transformations/text.xsl');
>>>>              $xsltProcessor->importStylesheet($xsl);
>>>>        $result = $xsltProcessor->transformToXml($xml);
>>>>          return $result;
>>>> My XSL is:
>>>> --------------
>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>>> <xsl:stylesheet
>>>> xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0"
>>>> xmlns=""
>>>> >
>>>> <xsl:template match="/">
>>>> <xsl:element name="Data">
>>>> <xsl:element name="AccountNumber"><xsl:value-of 
>>>> select="//DataItem[@name='AccountNumber']/@value"/>
>>>> </xsl:element>
>>>> </xsl:element>
>>>> </xsl:template>
>>>> </xsl:stylesheet>
>>>> And my XML is:
>>>> ---------------------
>>>> <ProfileRequest templateId="1" submitUser="asdf" 
>>>> submitDateTime="2009-01-12T17:32:46">
>>>>    <DataItem name="AccountNumber" value="600978"/>
>>>> </ProfileRequest>
>>>> The $result is:
>>>> -----------------
>>>> <?xml version="1.0"?>
>>>> <Data 
>>>> xmlns=""><AccountNumber></AccountNumber></Data> 
>>>> So, as you can see the AccountNumber is missing. This XSL/XML works 
>>>> fine in Author (XML Tool).
>>>> Any ideas why this would fail? Also, the Xpath 
>>>> (//DataItem[@name='AccountNumber']/@value) works
>>>> if I make the XML a simpleXML object and call xpath on it.
>>>> Thanks for your help!
>>>> - Ben
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