[nycphp-talk] Apache is killing me.

Sukrit D sukritd at
Mon Mar 16 12:46:35 EDT 2009

In such a case you should give rightscale+ec2 a serious consideration.  
It scales beautifully and is pretty easy to get going with and  
maintain, plus monitoring is more-or-less built-in.


On 16-Mar-09, at 9:06 PM, John Campbell wrote:

> I would like to thank everyone for their help and advice.  I don't
> think it is impossible to figure out what the underlying issue is, but
> I made a bunch of changes based on the recommendations here.
> 1) I switched the hardware (pretty easy, since it's just a Xen  
> instance)
> 2) I upgraded Apache and PHP
> 3) I changed max requests per child to a sensible number rather than
> unlimited.  I think log rotate would achieve a similar effect by
> restarting the webserver every day and I'll eventually go that route.
> 4) I set up monitoring scripts that will dump the output of `ps` and
> `apache2ctl fullstatus` to a log in the event the apache craps out
> again, and I'll be sure to get a gdb dump if it happens again.
> 5) For other reasons, I reduced the Keep-Alive time and moved most of
> the static content to Amazon's CDN.
> Thanks for the help.
> Regards,
> John Campbell
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