[nycphp-talk] Implementing Version Control

Justin Dearing zippy1981 at
Mon Mar 30 09:38:36 EDT 2009

Svn hosting is a good idea, but if you have a unix box you can give
your subcontractors svn accounts and they can remotely access svn that way.
Another option is to setup visualsvn server on your machine.

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Rob Marscher <rmarscher at>wrote:

> On Mar 30, 2009, at 8:57 AM, Randal Rust wrote:
>> I need to provide access to people in various locations, different
>> operating systems and need to be able to keep it all together and not create
>> a huge mess.
>> Any recommendations?
> I'd say look into a hosted version control service.
> My favorites for svn version control (which would let Windows users use
> Tortoise, Mac users use Versions or command-line, and Linux users use a
> number of different clients -- all can also use plugins within Eclipse) are
> and
> GitHub seems to be everyone's favorite for using git version control -
>  Git might be the right solution for you if you are
> dealing with a team that is very spread out because developers don't have to
> worry about conflicts as much and you are more in control of what changes
> make it into the final code.
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