[nycphp-talk] git to this presentation

y2rob at y2rob at
Mon Mar 30 12:10:56 EDT 2009

 i think you do bring up some interesting points, but i'm confused on the sensitive material part.? do you not have this in your version control?? i would assume you have a check to determine if you're developing locally, staging or production, so that you're not editing these files per server.




-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Snyder <chsnyder at>
To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
Sent: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 12:00 pm
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] git to this presentation

2009/3/29  <y2rob at>:
> yeah, i use git now and it's pretty awesome i must say.
> ~rob

The distributed nature of git makes it useful in a number of
situations where svn just isn't appropriate, such as tracking changes
to local configuration files. Since they only apply to the local
machine (and might contain db passwords, app keys, and other sensitive
info) you don't want them being pushed to a central repository.
Nevertheless, it's nice to be able to track changes and roll back if

git makes it wonderfully easy to add version control in place, and
then decide later whether you want to add the repository to a central
server or not.

It also seems very compatible with svn-- as in, you can use git to
track local branches and changes, but continue to use svn as the
"master" repository that everything goes into at the end of the day.

It's a bit like OO programming -- hard to explain all the advantages
to someone who hasn't used it, but really quite clear once you start
that "hey this really IS better" in most situations.

Chris Snyder
New York PHP User Group Community Talk Mailing List


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