[nycphp-talk] [fw-general] Survey: Development environment for PHP/ZFW

Joelle Tegwen tegwe002 at
Wed May 6 10:47:35 EDT 2009

1 Ubuntu - upgrading to Jaunty today. :)
2 localhost with separate test and production servers
3 Eclipse with PHPEclipse and XMLBuddy
4 svn
5 A custom written debug script (to format things the right way) I've 
installed xdebug but not used it. Just started using PHPUnit this 
project and loving it although I'm not so good at testing as I go. I 
tried TDD but I have to learn too much about how to write testable code 

I'll agree with the sub-thread on how to write good tests. It's really 
tricky. But I figure if I start with writing any tests at least that's 
progress. It's helped me clean up my code a lot.


David Mintz wrote:
> 1.  Fedora Linux 10
> 2.  localhost
> 3.  Zend IDE for Eclipse 6.1.2
> 4.  svn
> 5.  Firebug for xhr; still trying to train myself w/ PHPUnit and 
> vowing to do better; meanwhile, lots of echo and 
> run-it-in-a-browser-and-see-what-happens [lowers eyes in shame]
> -- 
> David Mintz
> The subtle source is clear and bright
> The tributary streams flow through the darkness
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