[nycphp-talk] htaccess question - deafult behavior in one folder

Jesse Callaway bonsaime at
Wed May 6 19:15:02 EDT 2009

Hey Corey,

Try  !^/blog.*$ if you end up installing Drupal under Wordpress...
just kidding. But the fewer passes to mod_rewrite the happier everyone
is. That pattern ought to tell it to ignore anything after /blog in
the URL without any further rules.

mod_rewrite is mind blowing sometimes... Try the logging options to
see all the insanity behind the scenes.


On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 6:32 PM, Corey H Maass -
<corey at> wrote:
> Ooh, great! I actually combined the two responses. Adding:
> RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/blog
> worked for /blog, but anything after blog (/blog/2009/my-post) still
> gave me a 404. So then I added an .htaccess to /blog/ to redirect to
> it's root and it worked. Thanks!
> On Wed, 6 May 2009 17:53:07 -0400 (EDT), "Ajai Khattri"
> <ajai at> said:
>> On Wed, 6 May 2009, Corey H Maass - wrote:
>> > I have a site that uses the Zend framework. I want to run a blog at
>> > /blog. I tried installing wordpress in an actual folder at /blog but my
>> > htaccess is set to have anything that doesn't point to an actual file
>> > redirect to index.php for zend. wordpress relies on blog/ directing to
>> > blog/index.php. Here's what I've got:
>> >
>> > RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
>> > RewriteRule .* index.php
>> >
>> > So I need a rule that says, 'anything in /blog, just do what you
>> > normally do' but I'm not sure how to go about that. I've dug thru
>> > htaccess tutorials but I'm not finding anything.
>> IIRC, you can use RewriteEngine Off to cancel rewrite rules in a parent
>> .htaccess file.
>> --
>> Aj.
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> Corey H Maass
> Gelform Design
> Brooklyn, NY
> Web design and development for art and business
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