[nycphp-talk] databases with PHP

Anthony Wlodarski ant92083 at
Fri May 8 11:44:26 EDT 2009

Yeah at my current company we are thinking of a master-slave implementation
and we can speed up the website by making read only requests head to the
slave server.  When working with MySQL is there a stop gap to prevent
requesting data from the slave that is currently in transit from the master
server? (I guess a check to see if it is in transit and if so it has to wait
for the slave to be updated.)


On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Jerry B. Altzman <jbaltz at>wrote:

> on 5/8/2009 10:17 AM Anthony Wlodarski said the following:
>> It can be a PITA sometimes.  The typical usage is the master-slave
>> replication.  Even with this type of replication there can be some data loss
>> too.
> MySQL replication is great when it works.
> With 5.1 they've introduced row-level replication (as opposed to
> statement-level replication) which can help in many cases (where you're
> using MySQL to do heavy processing, like their internal GIS functions).
> MySQL replication can also fail silently in the presence of brief network
> disconnections.
> It's not REAL redundancy (like Oracle RAC) but you get what you pay for,
> and having a slave for backup purposes is handy.
>  -Anthony
> //jbaltz
> --
> jerry b. altzman        jbaltz at
> thank you for contributing to the heat death of the universe.
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> New York PHP User Group Community Talk Mailing List

Anthony W.
ant92083 at
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