[nycphp-talk] Switch-Case v. if/else

oorza2k5 at oorza2k5 at
Thu May 14 22:30:50 EDT 2009

I didn't think anonymous functions were ireleased until the 5.3 branch,  
which isn't near stable enough for production yet?

On May 14, 2009 10:10pm, Andrew Muraco <amuraco at> wrote:
> How about this for an idea:

> Write the code so that the switch returns the content of the case as a  
> function, this way, you can hopefully avoid having to do all those  
> comparisons. (obviously you would then be able to use this anonymous  
> function in place of the switch)

> Not sure if your code would allow it tho.

> -Andrew Muraco

> oorza2k5 at wrote:

> oops, just sent this to one guy =\

> On May 14, 2009 3:52pm, oorza2k5 at wrote:

> > Alright! answers :P

> >

> > Profiling the code, this script (which bottlenecks on the switch-case)  
> is 82% of execution time __with__ APC. Of the script itself, ~45% of the  
> execution time is this particular switch-case.

> >

> > I can't send the code, NDA's and whatnot, but it was basically (these  
> are all string comparisons that can't be refactored into numerical  
> comparisons, I pulled two cases out into a loop for that):

> >

> > if($) {

> >

> > } elseif ($b || $c || $d || $e) {

> >

> > ) elseif ($f || $g) {

> >

> > } else {

> >

> > }

> >

> > After changing it to

> >

> > switch($condition) {

> >

> > case 'a':

> > blah;

> > case 'b':

> > case 'c':

> > case 'd':

> > case 'e':

> > blah

> > case 'f':

> > case 'g':

> > blah

> > default:

> > blah

> >

> > that conditional is about 5% faster.

> >

> > The script itself isn't slow, it's that it's an autoloader that has to  
> be ran 15-30 times per pageload and there's no viable way to make the  
> necessary infrastructure changes to remove it, nor is it viable to  
> require() manually, as that would take even more time. Before anyone  
> suggests, the original __autoload() was >90% of page time, and I split it  
> into an autoloading class and registered 4 different methods on the  
> autoloading stack ordered, of course, in order from most->least used.

> >

> > One of the things I was thinking about trying was keeping track of  
> classnames and paths in an internal array and serializing that resulting  
> array and pushing it into and pulling it out of APC (in the destructor  
> and constructor, respectively) and the first method on the autoloading  
> stack would check for $this->includeMap[$className] but I'm unsure if  
> that would be a sane approach or not.

> >

> > On May 14, 2009 5:38pm, John Campbell jcampbell1 at> wrote:

> > > PHP should run ~1M switch tests per second on decent hardware. Either

> > >

> > > you are misinterpreting you profiling data, or running a switch

> > >

> > > statement a hell of a lot of time. I can't imagine any sort of

> > >

> > > if/else vs switch vs. jump table is going to make much of a

> > >

> > > difference. At best you will see a speedup of 30% or so, but that

> > >

> > > won't really fix the underlying problem.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 2:12 PM, Eddie Drapkin oorza2k5 at>  
> wrote:

> > >

> > > > Does anyone know how the PHP Interpreter pulls switch/case  
> statements

> > >

> > > > together? Does it emulate a C compiler and, for larger case sets,  
> build a

> > >

> > > > huge if/else cascade? Does it do this always? Is there any way to  
> know when

> > >

> > > > it builds a jump table (like as/c is supposed to)? I've got a slow  
> script

> > >

> > > > (it's eating ~85% of execution time) that I can't work around and  
> one of the

> > >

> > > > slower parts is a switch case (which is slightly faster than  
> manually

> > >

> > > > building an if/else cascade) and was wondering if anyone had any  
> performance

> > >

> > > > tips for cases like these.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > _______________________________________________

> > >

> > > > New York PHP User Group Community Talk Mailing List

> > >

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> > >

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> > >

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