[nycphp-talk] PHP 5.3 add_x_header Broken

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Thu May 21 18:42:28 EDT 2009


On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 06:23:43PM -0400, Hans Zaunere wrote:
> However, when the X-PHP-Originating-Script header is added, it's prefixed
> with a \r\n.  This thus breaks some email clients, especially when sending
> from a Unix host where all the other headers are separated by only a \n.

Well, last I looked, the mail format RFC says the headers are supposed to 
be \r\n.  But it sounds like the rest of the headers generated by PHP are 
using \n.  Fun.

Let's take a look at mail.c...

Yep, the rest of the headers use \n.

Make a patch to line 244 changing \r\n to \n (Or change them all to \r\n 
like the RFC says. :) and open up a bug report.


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