[nycphp-talk] [0T] Verizon FIOS -- comments?

David Mintz vtbludgeon at
Tue May 26 13:17:27 EDT 2009

On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 10:29 PM, Ajai Khattri <ajai at> wrote:

> <snip />
> Why do I know a lot about this crap? Well, I used to work for a local ISP
> - we've seen all the BS, tricks and games from Verizon...
> Without competition, be prepared for things to be crappy for a long long
> time.
Precisely why I was reluctant to get involved with Verizon -- that, and the
fact that they have jerked me around in the past.

But -- by way of update -- we got our FIOS installation last week and the
Internet service is outstanding, I have to admit. The web interface to their
router lets you do any damn thing you can think of, as though you were a
small business rather than a home user (same interface for both, maybe?).
And we've no complaints about speed.

TV is another story. We discovered too late that my wife's old Series 2 Tivo
box won't record the channel you want unless you manually tune the box
yourself -- hard to do when you aren't home to attend to it. And one of our
two Verizon boxes evidently does not work although I am not quite finished
fiddling and troubleshooting. The other day I spent more hours than I care
to think about screwing around and talking to tech support. I will say to
Verizon's credit that they answer the phones and their people seem to have a
basic working knowledge of what they are talking about.

David Mintz

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