[nycphp-talk] [0T] Verizon FIOS -- comments?

Edward Potter edwardpotter at
Tue May 26 13:56:41 EDT 2009

ummm, doesn't everyone here feel a little weird when you realize that in
Korea they are  feeding their kindergarten kids with bandwidth 10X what we
"may see" in a year from now, for years there?

Like that's why the USA is kinda of falling off the map in the Asia
explosion?  So did capitalizim kill us in the end? Great, even Crammer is
quoting Marx now.  Yipes!  :-)

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 6:09 PM, Daniel Krook <krook at> wrote:

> Hi David,
> > From: David Mintz <david at>
> >
> > Anybody using Verizon's FIOS and have any comments? I am
> > moving next week (from Maplewood NJ to South Orange NJ)
> > and considering ordering. I want to make sure they don't
> > do block you from connecting to your own machine via http
> > or ssh from outside your home. That would be a dealbreaker.
> >
> > The other broadband alternative in this area is
> > Cablevision. Any comments? Thanks.
> I've been using Cablevision's Optimum Boost service in CT for about 2 and
> a half years.   The Boost package lets you use ports 25 and 80 (only those
> 2 officially, but you can use others), so I've been hosting my mail and
> Web server at home with an IP address that's been de facto static this
> whole time (though they don't officially call it static).
> One caveat, they recently changed the frequency on which Boost customers
> get Internet service in order to prepare for the 101Mbps service later
> this year (
> ).  This new frequency is less tolerant of bad wiring in your place but
> also your neighbors who might feed interference back on the line.   So ask
> them if there have been reports of problems in your new neighborhood.
> Thanks,
> -Dan
> Daniel Krook
> Senior IT Specialist - Tools Team Lead, Global Solutions,
> IBM Certified IT Specialist, SCSA, SCJP, SCWCD, ZCE, ICDAssoc., ICAD
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