[nycphp-talk] [0T] Verizon FIOS -- comments?

David Mintz vtbludgeon at
Wed May 27 17:09:37 EDT 2009

On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 1:43 PM, Ajai Khattri <ajai at> wrote:

> On Tue, 26 May 2009, David Mintz wrote:
> > TV is another story. We discovered too late that my wife's old Series 2
> Tivo
> > box won't record the channel you want unless you manually tune the box
> > yourself -- hard to do when you aren't home to attend to it.
> Did you use a direct connection or an IR blaster from Tivo->cable box? I
> also have a Tivo S2, and use the IR blaster stuck to the front of the
> cable box...
I tried, but could not for the life of me locate the IR sensor on the
Verizon box. Wait... you say IR emitters attached to the front of the
*cable* box?  I thought it was the other way around, i.e., that the Tivo box
had to send commands to the cable box and therefore the emitters went on the

David Mintz

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