[nycphp-talk] PHP, Joomla, SEO

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Fri May 29 12:12:24 EDT 2009

On Fri, 29 May 2009, Peter Sawczynec wrote:

> But I am considering initiating a plan to build all my website projects
> on top of Joomla 

In my experience (building sites since 1996), a lot of sites can be 
implemented on top of Joomla / Drupal / etc., especially if they are 
essentially brochure sites.

But some sites need additional functionality. If you're lucky, that 
functionality will be available in a plugin. If you're not lucky, you'll 
have to write that plugin yourself or modify an existing one. Which also 
means you will have to manage that plugin yourself when it comes time to 
upgrade and/or patch some bug. Sometimes a client will want additional 
functionality maybe some time after a site has launched, forcing you to 
again find a plugin or write one. Again, your maintenance burden is 

At a certain point, you will find that the amount of work required to 
customize and maintain Joomla and any associated plugins is the same 
amount of work (or more), as writing the site yourself with a modern 
framework. After working with Joomla for a few years, Ive mostly abandoned 
using it for sites I build - I now just use a framework. A lot of 
frameworks now come with a backend, or a way to generate a backend, or a 
plugin that adds the backend for you. Its easier and more flexible to work 
with than using Joomla IMHO.


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